Thank you for your interest in the A2Z Missions Pastoral Conferences. We are encouraging ministers of all development levels to turn their focus back to the Bible for today’s challenges. The concept behind this training is to assist pastors in discerning between biblical truth and unscriptural traditions. You will leave these life transforming meetings forever changed.
Deep Truth
Thank you, A2Z Missions, for the deep truth you have been teaching. It has become part of me and I can rightly teach others with boldness and without fear. Glory to Jesus. You are the best teachers ever!!! Thank you again from deep down in my heart.
D. Mulenga
Forever Changed
I really want to thank God through A2Z Missions. From the time I joined this training, my life has not been the same. I have learned so much! I thank God for our teachers and their love and passion for us pastors in Africa.
B. Munyenyembe
My Church is Now Growing
I have benefited a lot from the teachings I got from A2Z Missions. My church started growing when I started teaching the truth. I become fearless and bold in teaching other leaders. I have discovered that many people are trapped in tradition. My family, church, and other churches have been transformed and we are experiencing great growth. I would like to thank A2Z for coming to Africa.
B. Makore
On Another Level
I have been attending A2Z conferences. These lessons have had a great impact in my life taking me from one level to another. With the help of these lessons, I was able to bring change in the branch I’m am currently serving in. I now see the members spreading the gospel, not the Pastor alone.
B. Mthimkhulu
Undiluted Teachings
We are thankful for the opportunity to share in this rare blessing of being taught. Very few people in the world today are privileged to receive undiluted teaching. Thank you to our teachers. The Lord Jesus Christ bless you.