Ministerial Development

A2Z Missions is a registered NPO in the USA, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. The name A2Z Missions is based partly upon the idea that the term “from A to Z” means “all-inclusive,” or “everything in between.” Therefore, A2Z Missions is not solely focused on one nation, but every nation to which God opens a door — from Algeria to Zimbabwe!
We are encouraging ministers of all development levels to turn their focus back to the Bible. The concept behind this training is to assist pastors in discerning between biblical truth and unscriptural traditions.
Many Pastors today are “leading on empty.” Not taking the time to refuel themselves to become more effective at what God has called them to do. Our passion is to empower, equip, and encourage leadership to “search the scriptures.” In them, we find the answers to today’s challenging ministerial responsibilities.
We believe in following as closely as possible the doctrine and practice of the apostles as set forth in Acts and the Epistles, without regard for any other tradition or teaching that conflicts with Apostolic doctrine. We must evaluate doctrine on the basis of the Bible, not tradition, personal experience, or emotion.
If you are interested in furthering your biblical understanding, please contact us.
A2Z Missions is operated solely upon the donations from the people of God. We would be humbled if you considered donating to allow us to continue to provide this service free of charge to the good people of Africa.
Account Details
Bank name: Standard Bank
Branch name: NORWOOD
Branch code: 1963
Account number: 10 19 387 282 8
Account type: CURRENT